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Civil Servant for the Government of India Impacts Policy

Name: Dhananjay Singh (he/him)

PhD: Business Administration (Sustainable Supply Chain Management), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 2022

What was your main area of research?

My research interests are in the domain of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and industry 4.0 technologies. I am passionate about co-creating a vibrant start-up culture built on the foundations of a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem & a sustainable manufacturing & logistics ecosystem. I bring my field experience, both in policy-making & implementation of cross-border customs & international trade, to supply chain strategy for achieving competitive advantage. I also work on the ethics of artificial intelligence by bringing in insights of philosophy, sociology and technology to it. I am also working on exploring the interactions between artificial intelligence and intellectual property rights (IPRs) like copyrights, etc.

What is your current job?

I am the Under Secretary in the Ministry of Finance for the Government of India. 

As a Civil Servant in the Government of India, my job responsibilities are primarily related to providing policy inputs in policy making in the public sector, focused on economic and business domains. 

I get opportunities to apply the knowledge gained through my research work.

How did you find this position? What were the career steps you took to get to where you are now? 

I found this job through a competitive selection process organized by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in New Delhi.

PhD graduate ➡️ Civil Servant in Government of India

Why did you decide to not pursue a career in academia? 

I wanted to apply knowledge for the benefit of society through public policy making.

What advice do you have for someone getting their PhD and looking to pursue a career outside of academia?

The PhD provides skillsets of systematic research inquiry that are transferable to public service.

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